Dr Andrew Harris
Registered Psychologist
PhD, Grad Dip Cslg Psych
Client Group: Children, Adolescents & Adults
Adult Therapy
Child & Young Adult Therapy
Days: Monday, Tuesday & Saturday
Andrew is a Registered Psychologist who sees clients of all ages and enjoys working with family systems to assist children and adults develop into responsible people. Having a deep compassion for those who suffer from the human condition, Andrew gets great joy from witnessing liberation from suffering and oppression, through a movement into personal responsibility and mastery.
One client described the experience of seeing Andrew as like “having a mind massage” which he thinks is an awesome analogy. Another said that for her coming to see Andrew was like “watching that favourite movie or re-reading that favourite book that changed your life; except that it is different every time”. Children have called him “the friendship doctor”, “the feelings man”, and even “way cool”.
Andrew acknowledges that the counselling situation is very specific and that “if I met many clients in other situations, they would likely be the ones who would be helping me”. With this respectful attitude, Andrew seeks to collaborate with a person in achieving their therapeutic objectives. Sometimes this requires him to draw on specific psychological understanding; more often it demands profound care in listening.
Andrew draws on diverse sources of global wisdom to assist in addressing difficult life situations. During his PhD field work, he had the honour of working with African leaders, elders and counsellors who were skilled in keeping hope alive in intractable situations, and for whom counselling emphasised a successful adaptation to the demands of society rather than overcoming individual problems.
As well as implementing conventional counselling methods such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Andrew enjoys acting as a “psychological consultant” to high functioning individuals dealing with difficult situations such as work and family conflict and tension, health challenges, and ethical dilemmas.
Everyday Andrew celebrates achievements which clients had previously believed were beyond their capacity.
- General Life Issues
- Psychotherapy
- Family Therapy
- Parenting
- Relationship Counselling
- Anxiety & Stress
- Grief & Loss
- Depression
- Alcohol & Other Drug use
- Trauma
- Cultural Diversity and Migration Issues
- Professional Supervision
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Narrative Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Client-Centred Trauma Therapy
- Existential Psychotherapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Member of the Australian Association of Psychologists Incorporated